First spiritual church of prayer
Spiritualism, traditionally, is not an organized religion.
see what we have for you!
Upcoming Events Schedule:
Classes/ services streamed through Zoom: Rm. 616 429 4779; Pass: 317137
Looking for more activities?
We are a Spiritual Learning Center, so bring pen and paper for note taking.
We invite you to join us on the 4th Sunday of the month at 10 am ET for our monthly Seance. You can join us at 3511 Vine St. South Bend, IN or through Zoom.
Doors/ room open at 9:30.
You are invited to join us March 30 at 10 am ET for All Message Service following our healing portion. You can join us at 3511 Vine St., South Bend, IN or through Zoom.
Doors/ room open at 9:30.
Toolboxes are for all sorts of things for aiding us in our journey. Some of them are obvious, others are not so obvious, such as a Spiritual Toolbox. You are invited to join us July 20 at 1 pm and discover the tools available to us for developing our Spirituality. Spiritual living is a wholistic approach. These are exercises you can use. Check our activities page to see what tools you need. Get your tools here.
This lesson focuses on meditation. Meditation is not just about sitting and relaxing but is an exploration of consciousness and of the mind’s activities. It is an important tool for developing spirituality because it allows us to examine our relationship with the world and our perception of it. Meditation is not contemplation. While they may be similar, they are not the same. Meditation is about observing our thought and emotions without following them.
First Spiritual Church of Prayer, 3511 Vine St. South Bend, IN and remote attendance through Zoom. Suggested donation, $10.
Those who identify themselves as Spiritual but not religious is increasing. Spiritualism, traditionally, is not an organized religion, which means there is no dogma or doctrine that is preached.
We accept the seeds you leave for us to plant. We will nurture those seeds and share the harvest with all.
If you are uncomfortable with PayPal, you can donate through your bank the same way you pay your utility bills. Our address is First Spiritual Church of Prayer, 3511 Vine. St. South Bend, IN 46615. Our phone number is 269 259 5168. For the account number use FSCP 3546. Donating through your bank is safest.
Our latest offerings:
One of our Spirit Teachers talked about suffering and how people choose to suffer. We discuss this idea and discover what was really intended. We discuss the concept of suffering and how a person may discover a way out of suffering. Some wonderful insights are offered.

The Perfect Majesty.
And the perfect Majesty is at rest in the ineffable light, in the truth of the mother of all these, and all of you that attain to me, to me alone who am perfect, because of the Word. For I exist with all the greatness of the Spirit, which is a friend to us and our kindred alike, since I brought forth a word to the glory of our Father, through his goodness, as well as an imperishable thought; that is, the Word within him, is it slavery that we shall die with Christ, and an imperishable and undefiled thought, an incomprehensible marvel, the writing of the ineffable water which is the word from us. It is I who am in you, and you are in me, just the Father is in you in innocence.
Why we recommend you visit with us?
According to NPR articles the fastest growing religious population are those who identify themselves as Spiritual but not religious. Spiritual often implies something experiential and personal. Religion is often based on creeds and doctrine. Spiritualism, traditionally, is not an organized religion, which means there is no dogma or doctrine that is preached. This allows us to expand Spiritualism into something more, something Spiritual.
We draw from Spiritualism, Spirituality, Metaphysics, and Science to promote a better life experience. Our Sunday service is non-traditional. You participate through conversation, meditation, healing demonstrations, Mediumship or Spirit Messages, and teachings that encourage you to comment, ask questions, and discover what a holistic life can offer.
Our non-traditional service allows everyone to contribute. Bring questions. Bring pen and paper for notes.
You can join us in person or through Zoom (Meeting ID: 616 429 4779 Passcode: 317137).
We offer in person and remote attendance. Not everyone is able to attend in person, but they do attend remotely. Here’s a few words from our friend in Buffalo, NY.
It makes me feel very connected. I feel like I’m right there. It’s very personal and I feel like I’m right there with everyone, which is really nice. I like that. – S.
So don’t let a little distance come between us. All you need is a laptop, tablet, or a phone to connect. Zoom: 6164294779. Passcode: 317137

Are you interested in discovering more about Spiritualism and Spirituality?
See our Activities Page for date and time and explore your Spirituality and build your Spiritual Toolbox.
We invite you investigate our YouTube channel or Library, for teachings about Spiritualism, Spirituality, and life in general.